Functional Specs Presentation (Deliverable3) instructions

This page summarizes the requirements for the Functional Specifications Presentation (Deliverable 3) of the SDNE Capstone Prep course.

Please read the corresponding rubric

For this deliverable, each team is expected to conduct a group presentation (maximum 15 minutes). The presentation will describe the Functional specs, which are the bare minimal information needed for a programming team to begin work on a project. The components your team will need to present are:

  1. High-level overview of your system and what it does (from your earlier Research and Requirements document)
  2. Key (major) use cases (from R&R doc)
  3. Performance, compatibility and other major requirements (from R&R doc)
  4. Context and high-level / network architecture diagrams (from R&R doc)
  5. Entity-Relationship model diagram, with sample data (if your project has database component)
  6. Links to any APIs for external interfaces (if applicable)
  7. (optional) Visual style guide, logos and graphics to be used
  8. (optional) SDKs and other resources
  9. (optional) mock-ups of critical screen layouts (hand-drawn is alright)

Submission Requirements
The Powerpoint slides and separate hand-out (if applicable) must be uploaded to SLATE prior to your presentation. The slides should make appropriate use of tables and diagrams that are readable at the back of the classroom.

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